Page 39 - MetalForming August 2015
P. 39
more accurate predictions of future requirements.
Improve communications—Post- ponement manufacturing requires increased communication between customers, suppliers and partners. Often, manufacturers will turn to part- ners to complete the product or per- form specialized finishing tasks such as adding a name, or picking and packing orders. This requires real-time visibili- ty between multiple locations and sys- tems. Advanced enterprise solutions meet that need by strengthening com- munications within the company and among partners, including the use of mobile and social tools. Collaborative tools also play an important role in coordinating multiple resources.
Manage production at a more gran- ular level—Advanced enterprise solu- tions offer new capabilities to manage sourcing, production and inventory at the component and serial-number level. This ability to monitor key processes at a more granular level allows the manufacturer to efficiently manage individualized production and assembly requirements. Combined with tools for improved visibility, the manufacturer can allocate components from one product to another when there is capability and a need.
Improve demand forecasting—New levels of supply-chain-management capabilities, working in concert with advanced analytics and BI capabilities, help companies to better forecast demand, predict specific future requirements and manage their supply chains and production.
Better manage bill-of-material (BOM) complexity—Postponement manufacturing takes BOM require- ments to a much higher level. With postponement manufacturing, just establishing what you need to build a product is not adequate. Your compa- ny also must manage BOMs through- out the product-manufacturing process. Modern software solutions can manage a vast increase in the num- ber of product components that must be tracked and the efficiency with which they’re monitored. MF
MetalForming/August 2015 37
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Type A Ball Bearing
Style: Style 75
Ball Bearing Type: Standard Maxicage Material:
Width (F - B):
4 - 150
Length (L - R): 64
4 - 150
Minimum Shut Height: 11.5
3 - 30
Punch Holder Thickness: 2.5
0.75 - 6
Die Shoe Thickness:
0.75 - 6
Diameter of Components 2
Pin Type:
Bushing Type: Demountable
Pin Length:
Bushing Length:
“Request for Quote
Cage Length:
Pin Part #:
331-1644 Bushing Part #:
Ball Cage Part #: 335-1618
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