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start to finish at one constant speed. Along the line, sections with different time/temperature values were con- structed to modify the steel microstruc- ture and properties. These CA lines represent a major factor in the devel- opment of advanced high-strength steels (AHSS).
What’s coming next? Dual-phase
(DP) AHSS grades contain islands of
martensite that generate higher n-val-
ues than HSLA steels of the same
strength. These large, hard islands tend
to accelerate edge cracking and reduce
edge stretch. Why not completely
reverse our thinking and use new tech-
nology to replace these large marten-
sitic islands with a large number of
nano-size precipitates? MF (5) to length. Source: AISI
The Science of Forming
1. Ladle of molten steel 2. Oscillating mold
3. Water cooling sprays 4. Finished slab
3. 5. Torch cut-off 4.
Fig. 2—Molten steel from the BOF (1) is poured into the oscillating mold (2). The slab exiting the mold contains a liquid center (3). The slab is fully solidified (4) and torch-cut
for the Manufacturing ERP Experience
October 6-7, 2015 • Houston, TX
A tour of the industry’s leading enterprise- resource-planning (ERP) software systems for small- to midsized manufacturing companies.
Learn the latest developments in ERP software at this timely and focused event, presented by MetalForming magazine.
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• Benefit from case-study presentations describing successful software-implementation
• Hear keynote presentations from respected, knowledgeable experts on ERP-software
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ERP Software Selection and Implementation Boot Camp Special Opportunity—Oct. 8
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and Implementation Boot
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Thank you to our sponsors:
216/901-8800 | fax 216/901-9669 |
MetalForming/August 2015 39