Page 41 - MetalForming December 2015
P. 41

    Tooling by Design
ment, they play an essential role in manufacturing innovation. Any durable-goods manufacturer seeking to introduce a new product likely requires customized tools, dies and molds to make metal, plastic and ceramic com- ponents. While most tool and die pro- duction supports the manufacture of durable goods for the consumer mar- ket, the industry also plays an impor- tant role in manufacturing military equipment.
The tool and die industry always has been subject to U.S. economic swings and foreign competition. The rise of China’s manufacturing sector has placed it under considerable stress. Foreign competition, application of new technologies and two recessions caused a loss of more than one-third of all tool and die establishments since 1998, and nearly a 50-percent work- force reduction.
The Tide May Be Turning
We see signs that the tide may be turning: U.S. durable-goods manufac- turing appears to be reviving, and reshoring of jobs from overseas prom- ises to benefit U.S tool and die shops. However, ongoing technological advances will require tool and die shops to operate differently than in the past, and also require a workforce with a different set of skills.
The lack of interest in careers in tool and die making has forced many shops to find other ways to produce their products, primarily by increasing the use of automated equipment. In some companies, lights-out manufacturing has become the norm. Here, a night shift runs with minimal worker involve- ment. Machines do much of the work that employees perform in regular shifts.
In the absence of skilled workers, such highly automated production like- ly will increase. MF
The Stäubli MPS 630 is an ideal solution for automotive body shops. Thanks to its modular design, this extremely flexible tool changer can be configured for just about any application. Modules with couplings for compressed
air, liquid coolant, high pressure hydraulics, power, data, fiber optics and more are positioned around a robust locking unit.
Payload up to 630 kg
Bending moments up to 5,000 Nm
Torsion moments up to 5,000 Nm
DIN EN ISO 9409/1/A-125, A-160, A-200 mounting flange
For more information call 1 864 486-5455
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