Page 10 - MetalForming January 2016
P. 10
News Fronts
duplex stainless steel, nickel alloys and cobalt alloys in sheet, coil, strip, plate and near-net shapes.
Business Notes
and focuses on providing users with information on Tebis CAD/CAM solutions and where and how they can best implement these solutions.
Our Services - your benefits:
Increase productivity of the press Improved equipment availability
Spare part availability
OEM specifications
Latest legal specifications
State-of-the-Art technical specifications Enhanced OEE
7145 Commerce Blvd. Canton, MI 48187 Phone 734.207.7200
Lee Steel had been pro- cessing and selling steel prod- ucts since 1947. Prior to bank- ruptcy, it had invested heavily in expansion and equipment.
Hilco Global Seeks Buyer for MI Steel Processor
Coe Press Equipment, Ster- ling Heights, MI, has launched a redesigned responsive web- site,, which adapts to computer, tablet and mobile-phone screen sizes, making it simple to use on any device. The new website is divided into areas that focus on company back- ground, complete coil-han- dling and feed systems, stand- alone equipment, service offerings, and sales-contact information. The site also includes a new blog area titled Intel, where Coe provides technical tips, current news and editorials.
Hilco Global, Northbrook, IL, announced that it has pur- chased a steel-processing facility located at the Lee Steel Corp. site in Romulus, MI. The deal, approved in U.S. Bank- ruptcy Court, includes a 200,000-sq.-ft. plant and all of the steel-processing equip- ment located at that site.
“Hilco Global is planning to run an aggressive marketing and sale process to find a buyer for this state-of-the-art steel-processing complex,” says Ben Nortman, executive vice president.
The site is designed so users can scroll through the various sections rather than having to drill down into multi- ple pages. Within the equip- ment and systems areas, specifications are provided as well as photos, video and downloadable literature.
Tebis America Launches New Website
Coe Revamps Website to Ease Navigation
Tebis America, Troy, MI, specializing in CAD/CAM sys- tems for design and manufac- turing, and servicing the tool, die, mold, aerospace and automotive manufacturing industries, has redesigned its website, The redesign provides a compre- hensive presentation detailing the firm’s complete product and service portfolio.
Omax Expands Waterjet-Training Program
The site includes sections describing product innovations, services offered, corporate news and contact information,
The 22,000-sq.-ft. training center features a new technol- ogy-training classroom that supplements an existing equipment-training lab. The
Omax Corp., Kent, WA, recently increased the capaci- ty of its training center in Kent to provide Omax and Maxiem JetMachining Center owners with enhanced training and productivity resources.
8 MetalForming/January 2016