Page 8 - MetalForming January 2016
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News Fronts
Jagemann Sporting Group, a division of Jagemann Stamping Co., Manitowoc, WI, has partnered to provide brass shell casings to the retail market via a new reload- ing brass program. With the partnership, Crow Shooting Supply has added Jagemann Bagged Brass to its product line. The product line features casings for pistols, revolvers and rifles.
“new markets, valuable expertise, additional manufac- turing capacity, plus a manu- facturing and commercial presence on the West Coast,” says Hynes CEO Greg Gyllstrom.
Jagemann Goes Retail with Brass Shell Casings
For more than 20 years, Impact Engineering has designed and manufactured weld-data-monitoring systems, and previously partnered with Miller on welding-information product development. The for- mal acquisition of the compa- ny allows Miller to broaden its portfolio to address the increasing demands for Miller’s Welding Intelligence systems, according to compa- ny officials.
Motoman president and chief operating officer, accepted the honors on the company’s behalf during a recent ceremo- ny held at the Honda Heritage Center in Marysville, OH.
Before going retail, Jage- mann had been providing brass casings to the OEM mar- ket for more than five years.
As part of the acquisition, products from Impact Engi- neering, including ArcAgent and ArClient, will become part of the Miller Welding Intelli- gence offering. This offering currently includes Insight Core, a simplified, Internet- based welding-information product, and Insight Center- point, which offers real-time operator feedback and process controls. The product additions from IMPACT Engi- neering, specifically ArcAgent, reportedly will allow cus- tomers with mixed fleets of welding equipment, including non-Miller machines, to use Welding Intelligence products.
“The resources that now will be available to our team will allow us to better serve our cold-work tool-steel cus- tomers,” says Mike Sheehan, president and chief operating officer of Diehl Tool Steel, “and will also pave the way for us to offer hot-work tool-steel solutions for diecasting and forging applications.”
“We are honored to have been recognized for providing the support and educational tools Honda’s team members need to be effective with our solutions,” says Barhorst. “We appreciate Honda’s efforts in establishing long-term busi- ness partnerships, and we look forward to a continued successful relationship.”
“We are very excited to launch our program to the retail market, says Nathan Dudley, Jagemann product manager. “Jagemann brass has been a leader in the OEM ammunition community for some time and now we are pleased to offer the same quality, consistency and relia- bility to home loaders. Our part- nership with Crow Shooting Supply will reach many
The Diehl acquisition “greatly enhances our pres- ence in North America, and will accelerate our plans to expand the capabilities we have to offer customers at Hitachi Metals,” says Tom Bell, product group head of Hitachi Metals America, LLC.
retail channels both in the U.S. and abroad, and their phi- losophy of fast shipping
and always being in stock on items fits our business model perfectly. We are looking for- ward to having our brass line in stores as we continue
to develop more variants.”
Officials note that there will be no interruption of service, and Diehl customers will con- tinue to work with their exist- ing sales and support teams.
United Performance Metals Earns Customer Award
Miller Acquires Weld- Data, -Management Company
Yaskawa America, Inc.’s Motoman Robotics Division, Miamisburg, OH, was selected by Honda to receive a Special Recognition award. Honda honored the company along with other suppliers that pro- vide indirect products and services to Honda automotive
Miller Electric Mfg. Co., Appleton, WI, has acquired Impact Engineering, Jackson, MI, in a strategic alignment to provide the industry with expanded electronic weld-data
The addition of ARF brings
United Performance Metals supplies stainless steel,
6 MetalForming/January 2016
gathering and process-man- agement capabilities.
plants in Indiana and Ohio. Steve Barhorst, Yaskawa
Hynes Buys American Roll Form Products
United Performance Met- als, Hamilton, OH, has been recognized for outstanding performance in quality and on- time delivery by its customer, AdChem Manufacturing Tech- nologies, Inc. (ACMT). The combined efforts of sales, pur- chasing and production within United Performance Metals and its specialty divisions, Aerodyne Alloys and Vulcani- um, were acknowledged by ACMT, and a Certificate of Achievement was presented to the company.
Hynes Industries, Youngstown, OH, a provider of rollformed shapes and strip- steel products serving the truck-trailer, solar, overhead- door, steel-service-center and industrial markets, has acquired American Roll Form Products (ARF), Painesville, OH. The purchase gives Hynes manufacturing operations and headquarters in Youngstown, with additional manufacturing in Kokomo, IN, Painesville, and Las Vegas, NV.
Diehl Steel Now Under Hitachi Umbrella
“Indirect suppliers support nearly every aspect of our business,” said Tom Lake, vice president of North American Purchasing at Honda North America, Inc., in presenting the awards. “The suppliers recognized have truly gone above and beyond, providing extraordinary support to Honda in 2014. We never could have achieved so much in a single year without their strong efforts.”
Diehl Steel Co., Inc., has been acquired by Hitachi Met- als Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, and has been renamed Diehl Tool Steel, Inc.
Yaskawa Motoman Earns Honda Supplier Award