Page 10 - MetalForming August 2016
P. 10
News Fronts
Mfg. Co. Training Center, Appleton, WI, October 18-20, 2016.
in Covington, GA, replacing the company’s existing Cony- ers, GA, plant at double the size. The new plant primarily serves automotive and gen- eral industrial customers, offering all of Conyers’ processes and capabilities as well as ferritic nitrocarbur- izing.
The program provides advanced technical and hands-on aluminum-welding training, and is geared toward design, welding and process engineers, and lead welding operators who work predomi- nantly or exclusively with alu- minum. Participants will receive the Hobart Guide for Aluminum welding, safety glasses, the use of a welding helmet and other personal safety equipment, and meals.
This investment is part of Bodycote’s ongoing expan- sion in the U.S. Southeast. The company has more than 170 accredited facilities in 21 countries.
The Advanced Welding and Design program provides 23 professional-development hours for American Welding Society CWI re-certification. For more information, includ- ing program costs, download an Aluminum Welding Tech- nology Seminar brochure at downloads/aluminum_weld- ing_GAnDA.pdf.
Three Canning Cells Headed to Auto Supplier
Schuler's ServoDirect Technology is reliable
and proven globally. Gain flexibility with increased output and improve part quality to get better results on the bottom line. The payback
is in your future.
Daubert Cromwell Expands in Mexico
The cells can operate at a rate of 120 parts/hr. with one operator, and will feature quick tool change. The tool change package includes a cartridge design for the sizer, allowing for rapid change between part sizes and shapes.
Daubert Cromwell, a man- ufacturer of corrosion- inhibitor packaging products, has added office and ware- house space and hired addi- tional staff at its subsidiary, Daubert Mexico, in Aguas- calientes. Joining manager Luis Jacome at Daubert Mex- ico are Evelyn Macías, administrative sales supervi- sor, and Olivia Nuñez, mar- keting and sales assistant.
Dutch company Fontijne Formitt has received an order for three canning cells from automotive emission-compo- nent manufacturer Katcon. The cells will be used to pro- duce catalytic converters for light vehicles, with two cells to go to Katcon plants in Poland, and one to a Katcon Mexico operation.
Bodycote Opens Georgia Heattreatment Plant
Dengensha America, Bed- ford, OH, has added Hideyuki Taguchi as senior engineer and Brandon Malec as sales engineer. The company sup- plies resistance-welding products, including projec- tion and spot welders, weld guns, feeders and controls, consumables and spare parts, as well as training and field service.
Bodycote, a provider of thermal-processing servic- es, has opened a 60,000- sq.-ft. heattreatment plant
MetalForming/August 2016