Page 12 - MetalForming July 2017
P. 12
Tech Update
Solid-State Laser Features Onboard Condition Monitoring
transformer. Use the X-Gun with robots from Fanuc, Nachi, Yaskawa, Kawasaki, Kuka and ABB.
Dengensha America:
High-Speed Fabric
Roll-Up Door
Trumpf recently showcased the
latest generation of its TruDisk
disk laser at the Laser World of
Photonics trade fair in Shanghai,
China. The new laser boasts built-
in intelligence and supports Indus-
try 4.0 operations. The ability to
carry out condition and trend
analyses—also known as condition
monitoring and predictive main-
tenance—is a basic prerequisite
for successfully implementing
lasers in digitized and connected
manufacturing environments. Con-
dition-based services are a mod-
ular component of TruConnect,
the Trumpf technology for con-
nected manufacturing and Industry
4.0. The services promise to increase
the availability and productivity of con-
nected laser systems while identifying potential cost savings.
Machine Access
The critical hub of the smart TruDisk beam source is the built-in CPX control system. During processing, a broad array of sensors measures multiple parameters, including laser output, internal and external signal characteristics, the utilization rate of the beam source and the condition of additional components. The goal: Determine the risk of potential laser failure in advance and prevent unscheduled downtime.
The new generation of TruDisk lasers is available for laser outputs of 3 to 5 kW, with fiber-core diameters of 100 to 600 micrometers.
Lightweight Spot-Welding Gun for HSS Applications
mated work environments. It separates hazardous processes from people and equipment. Also, it can contain process- driven hazards such as weld sparks, fluid splatter and debris. By eliminating the extra buffer needed for light curtains to create a safety zone, the barrier created by the Gortite VF Door minimizes the impact on available machine floor space.
Dengensha America, Bedford, OH, has developed its high-force, lightweight, reduc- tion-gear X-Gun that proves extremely effective for resistance- spot welding of high-strength steels (HSS), according to company officials. With its new high-torque reduction gear, it can achieve an electrode-
The Gortite VF door from Dynatect Manufacturing, Inc., New Berlin, WI, is a high-speed, automatic roll-up door intended for safety in machine guarding and auto-
MetalForming/July 2017
force range of 4.8 to 7 kN.
The new, proprietary light- weight design—total weight is 90 to 97 kg— features an aluminum gun arm. This same pro- prietary design enables the X-Gun to operate seamlessly with Dengensha’s newly devel- oped heavy-duty lightweight MFDC
Key specs: customer-specified door- opening height and width of 3 to 16 ft.; 44 in./sec. standard speed; numerous sensor and switch options; continuous operation at as many as two complete cycles per minute; and optional traveling photo-eye (bottom-edge sensing and reversing). Dynatect Manufacturing, Inc.: