Page 14 - MetalForming November 2017
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says Damian Richard, owner and president. While that should be incentive enough for being accident-free, Trio sweetens the pot by letting employees without safety violations be eligible for year-end cash- prize drawings. An employee earns as many as four chances, with one chance earned for each violation-free quarter. The quarters are tracked, reported and posted on the bulletin board, allowing employees to follow
Outside the dock opening, from a fixed location above the dock door, the Approach- Vu sensor detects the motion of a trac- tor-trailer backing into a dock position. A visual and audible alarm located on the Dok-Lok vehicle restraint alerts dock work- ers and pedestrians of the impending danger. This multisensory alert system is important because ambient noise often
masks the sound of a cab’s engine.
The complete four-part Rite-Vu system also includes Corner-Vu, which provides Dok-Lok status to the forklift operator before entering the trailer using light com- munication, and Leveler-Vu, which provides immediate Dok-Lok status to the forklift
their progress throughout the year.
“By our fifth year with no lost-time acci- dents, there was excitement in the air and the momentum could not be stopped,” says Richard, who explains that what helps distinguish the Trio program is how it has
contributed to the companywide culture. “We always help one another here,” says Richard. “If, for example, a container is too heavy for an employee to lift, all he or she has to do is ask anyone for help, and that includes managers. When we lift as a team, we prevent back injuries. Or, if there is a spill, employees, no matter their position, are quick to clean it up because they know that doing so prevents slips and falls. Safety
is in all the job descriptions here.”
Trio Metal Stamping:
Systems for Loading Docks
To mitigate the multidimensional dan- gers facing workers at loading docks, Rite-Hite introduces two additions to its Rite-Vu Light communication system: Pedestrian-Vu for the dock’s interior and Approach-Vu for its exterior.
Pedestrian-Vu uses motion-sensing technology to trigger a bright blue light that projects onto the dock leveler when it detects material-handling equipment or a pedestrian inside of the trailer. Pedes- trian-Vu also works in conjunction with Dok-Lok products to alert any dock worker that enters an unsecured trailer. The blue light flickers as an audible alarm alerts unsuspecting dock workers that they have entered an unsecured trailer, while the external light system simultaneously changes to red, warning truck drivers that there is activity inside the trailer.
MetalForming/November 2017 13
Safety Update
operator while inside the trailer.
The Best
Got Better
Wintriss is pleased to announce the launch of our new
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