Page 89 - MetalForming-Oct-2018-issue
P. 89
OMAX abrasive waterjets increase throughput and shorten turnaround times to add value on your shop floor.
To check the air gauge for accuracy, have maintenance personnel convert a standard air regulator to a working measurement tool. Here, the regulator must have two output ports and one inlet port. Fit the inlet port with an air plug that matches the coupler on the air line closest to the grinding/sanding equipment. Fit one of the outlet ports with a quality air gauge in good con- dition, preferably a glycol-filled gauge that is much less likely to lose its accu- racy or be affected by environmental conditions. The second outlet port should be fitted to accept the threads of the belt-tension air gauge.
With such a tool available, thread the air gauge to be tested into its proper outlet port and plug the air supply line into the regulator. Check the air pres- sure readings between the ‘good’ gauge and the ‘suspect’ gauge at various psi settings to determine accuracy. When not in use, store the measurement tool in a secure place where it cannot be tampered with or disassembled.
Besides belt-tension air gauges, their related air regulators also are key to the condition of grinding/sanding equipment. Leaking or poorly operat- ing air regulators have a direct effect on the air supply to the tension cylin- ders. Sometimes they can cause high belt tension—unregulated air routing to tension cylinders—or low tension due to insufficient air-pressure supply. Periodically check all regulators to ensure good working order.
Air Leaks Affect Belt Tension
Air leaks also can play a role in abra- sive-belt tension problems. Leaks can occur in the air-supply system as well as in the seals of the tension cylinders themselves. Problems caused by these leaks, and the cost of consumed com- pressed air due to leaks, are commonly underestimated. All air leaks should be repaired, and it is advisable to conduct an air audit throughout your facility. This is a relatively inexpensive way to make the compressed-air system more efficient, which in turn will increase productivity and improve any processes that rely on compressed air. MF
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MetalForming/October 2018 87