Page 37 - MetalForming September 2019
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stamping as an option to produce elec- trical transmission-line fittings. Citing expansion of electric power systems and an increase in line voltage levels, researchers at Huazhong University of Science and Technology see lightweight but strong components—in the wheel- house for ultra high strength steel—as filling a need for such fittings.
The researchers point out that the cast or forged fittings, manufactured from thick metal slabs, possess the dis- advantage of heavy weight as well as inhomogeneous distribution of mechanical properties. In their study, a new type of electrical-connection fit- ting, a clevis-clevis (intertwined U- shaped brackets) component made of hot stamped high-strength steel reduces weight by 60 percent as compared to previous fittings. In the study, two lay- ers of boron steel are hot stamped, which delivers a full martensitic grain structure and 1500-MPa yield strength, to produce the component.
As R&D continues, look for hot stamping to make some gains in the energy arena. To help keep metal formers current on hot stamping, MetalForming presents the Hot Stamping Experience and Tech Tour, September 17 at Urgent Design & Manufacturing in Lapeer, MI. Along with presentations updating attendees on the latest technology developments related to hot stamping, Urgent Design & Manufacturing repre- sentatives will provide guided tours of their 165,000-sq.-ft. facility, which fea- tures a robot-tended two-press hot- stamping cell, as well as support processes and equipment including five-axis laser-cutting machines and robotic resistance-welding cells. For details and to register, visit www.met-
Rethinking the Work Brings Solar Savings
Solar concentrator dishes track the sun, collecting and focusing the energy from sunlight into a receiver that con- verts it to usable power. Summit Steel & Manufacturing, Reading, PA, using its design and fabrication expertise, successfully optimized manufacturing
to produce prototype and testing dish- es for a solar-energy customer. Origi- nally slated for hydroforming from a single aluminum sheet, this approach entailed high startup costs that would make short runs impractical. Instead, Summit developed a forming-jig process that enables welding of alu- minum pieces to construct the dish. Summit reports one-tenth of the pro- jected manufacturing cost without a
loss in production time. In addition, instead of having to monitor multiple manufacturing suppliers, Summit han- dled the entire project inhouse. This example, according to Summit officials, shows how renewable-energy compa- nies can focus on their system-design and marketing expertise while relying on forming and fabricating profession- als to problem-solve and produce in the manufacturing process. MF
Fabrication: Energy Market Report
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MetalForming/September 2019 35