Page 8 - MetalForming August 2010
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        21st International Sheet Metal Working Technology Exhibition
 and forging presses, and recently announced the sales of a 121-ton straight- side press to a Canadian customer.
Michigan Roll Form Acquires Tru-Tech Assets
Michigan Roll Form, Inc., Fraser, MI, acquired the intellectual property and inventory of Tru-Tech Tool and Machine Co., Muskegon, MI, a manufacturer of roll- forming machinery and related tooling including turnkey lines and systems, presses and coil-handling equipment, and stationary and flying dies. The acquisi- tion includes all machine and tooling designs, parts inventory, engineering draw- ings, and sales records, as well as exclusive rights to the company’s brand name, copyrights and trademarks.
GE Approves Laser Work from United Performance Metals
United Performance Met- als, Hamilton, OH, has received special process approval from GE Aviation to laser-machine and laser-cut parts, expanding the scope of its processing capabilities beyond slitting, leveling, shearing, edge conditioning and waterjet cutting. UPM stocks and processes spe- cialty stainless steels and high-temperature alloys.
ETA Recognized for New Vehicle Concept- to-Product Process
The Society of Automo- tive Engineers (SAE) Detroit
Section and the MIT Enter- prise Forum, cosponsors of the annual Vehicle Innova- tion Competition, presented Engineering Technology Associates (ETA), Inc., Troy, MI, with an Innovation Award for its Accelerated Concept to Product (ACP) process. ETA applied its PreSys finite-element mod- eling software to develop the ACP process that allows automotive designers to evaluate multiple load con- ditions simultaneously for hundreds of design concepts, compared to conventional methods that allow designers to evaluate only a few concepts at a time. The award-winning ETA solution promises to reduce product-development costs by 35 to 40 percent, according to ETA officials, and reduce product mass by as much as 20 percent while optimizing performance in the areas of stiffness, noise, vibration and safety.
Stamping-Company Chairman Honored for Entrepreneurship
The Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, announced that Frank Sem- cer, Sr., chairman of Micro Stamping, Somerset, NJ, has been named the first recipient of its new Award for Innovation and Entrepre- neurship. The award recog- nizes institute alumni that exhibit a “pioneering vision and business savvy.”
Semcer served on the Stevens Institute Board of Trustees through the 1990s, and employs stu- dents enrolled in the Stevens Cooperate Education program to work directly
                                                                                            26 - 30 October 2010     Hanover, Germany
• Sheet metal, Tube, Section
• Finished products, Parts, Assemblies • Handling
• Separation • Forming • Flexible sheet metal working • Tube / Section working • Machine elements
• Joining, Welding • Surface treatment • Tools, Dies • Controlling, Regulating, Measuring, Inspection
• Quality Control • CAD/CAM systems
• Data capture / processing
• Factory and warehouse equipment
• Safety at work • Environment protection, Recycling • Research and development
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