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Web-Based Cloud Platform for Remote Machine Access

March 6, 2023

SigmaTek-Remote-Access-RAPSigmaTek U.S. Automation, Inc. has launched a new version of its Remote Access Platform (RAP), a web-based cloud platform for machine and system remote monitoring, maintenance, debugging, initial startup, software updates or data insights.

The new version, with 24/7 access via VPN, features a new graphical user interface (GUI), improved user management and the option for two-factor authentication, according to company officials. Via the GUI, users can create personalized dashboards and machine pages for different machine types, groups, customers and users. The new “live view” makes the actual status of individual machines visible. Machine cards, similar to quartet cards, provide a quick overview of all devices and can be individually designed. And, visualization of the connected machines can be operated over a virtual network computer or a web server as if one were directly onsite.

Messages and alarms can be configured via the platform’s Cloud Notify and Cloud Logging functions, with collected data or reports able to be exported for further processing to achieve important correlations between process data, according to company officials.

Connect to RAP using a router or via SigmaTek CPUs. For mobile access, the SigmaTek Connect app is available.


See also: Sigmatek U.S. Automation, Inc.

Technologies: Sensing/Electronics/IOT


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