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MetalForming LIVE Virtual Events

First held in 2022, MetalForming LIVE virtual events brings together multiple metal formers to discuss topics, technologies, trends and more. Each session includes a short presentation followed by a roundtable discussion, moderated by MetalForming magazine editors, with the metal formers dispensing their expertise gleaned from extensive experience. And, attendees can participate in lively Q&A discussions. Best part? Each session is FREE!

MetalForming LIVE in 2024
MetalForming LIVE is expanding in 2024 and will have multiple virtual events throughout the year covering numerous topics and technologies.

January 16: Recruit, Retain, Train 
This event discussed ideas for recruiting, upskilling and retaining workers and discussed strategies for winning the talent battle. Check out the recap and watch the recording here.

April 24: Live on the Shop Floor
This event featured interviews with metal forming executives on automation technology as well as videos from their shops featuring the technology. Check out the recap and watch the recording here.

Past MetalForming LIVE Events
Looking for past MetalForming LIVE events? Click here to check out the MetalForming LIVE archive to see recordings of past events.

Questions About the Events?
Contact Ali Miller, meetings and events manager, at 216-901-8800 ext. 152.