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LVD Adds Panel Benders to Product Line

January 2, 2024

LVD-Panel-BenderLVD has added panel benders to its portfolio of products for sheet metal processing. The new line includes a range of panel-bending equipment, including high-speed units. LVD initially offers three models of panel benders able to handle panel sizes to 3200 by 1250 mm.

Panel-bending technology can process large and complex geometries quickly and efficiently with high productivity in medium to high volumes, according to company officials, while noting that for certain applications, panel bending is faster and more efficient than traditional die bending.

LVD panel benders can be customized to expand capacity and performance, with their servo-driven designs requiring minimal service. A universal set of folding blades permits processing of a range of profiles and bends, and most profiles can be formed using a single set of tooling.

Panel-bending technology is ideal for producing large electrical cabinets, panels and cabinet components, shelving, clean rooms, steel furniture, architectural building panels, photovoltaic components, trailer-side panels, lighting, and other industrial equipment panels featuring complex geometries with radius bends, short side lengths and narrow profiles. 

Industry-Related Terms: Bending
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: LVD North America

Technologies: Bending


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