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Robot-Panel Bender Combo Highlights Industry 4.0 Focus

June 23, 2022

Salvagnini-P1-panel-bender-roboticAt Lamiera, the recently held sheet metal-processing tradeshow held in Italy and attended by MetalForming, Salvagnini spotlighted its new P-Robot (pictured), a robot-panel bender combination designed for autonomous single-piece, kit and batch production. Featuring simplified programming, setup and use, P-Robot features a compact, modular layout with the ability to customize. At Lamiera, P-Robot included Salvagnini’s P1 electric panel bender, but the concept also works with P2 and P4 benders, according to company officials.

Salvagnini also premiered its ADC, compact automation for sheet metal loading and unloading. Stated strengths of ADC include a compact footprint, rapid cycle times and quick installation.

These exhibits highlighted the company’s progression from lean-environment automation introduced in the 1980s to lights-out manufacturing to 4.0 factories of today, according to Salvagnini officials. This is summed up in the company’s theme presented at Lamiera: beyond manufacturing. The theme reflects incorporation of Industry 4.0 technology as well as pre- and post-sale service. 

“The market, which is increasingly oriented toward a make-to-order and just-in-time strategy, and the recent pandemic context, have pushed us and are continuing to push us in this direction: today operators can continue to express their own potential, even remotely if necessary,” explains Tommaso Bonuzzi, Salvagnini sales director. “The new digital tools that we have made available allow operators to make the most of the functionality of Salvagnini machines, which are able to react to everything happening around them, upstream and downstream, in the production cycle. These adaptive machines are equipped with a full array of sensors and no longer need fine tuning, because they correct themselves in-cycle and consume only the energy that is strictly necessary. But we do not supply only high-quality, innovative products.”

Industry-Related Terms: Functionality
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Salvagnini America, Inc.

Technologies: Bending


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