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Expanded CMTS Show Returns to Toronto

February 26, 2020

The Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show (CMTS) in 2020 returns to The International Centre in Toronto, September 30 to October 3. Produced by SME, CMTS is a trade show and conference for advanced manufacturing technologies, cutting-edge equipment, best practices and industry connections. Ten-percent larger in both exhibitor and attendee numbers for 2020, show organizers expect to host more than 9000 manufacturing professionals, more than 430 exhibits, 80-plus education sessions and four workshops.

Keynote presentations include:

  • Ric Fulop, CEO and co-founder of Desktop Metal, presenting on Additive Manufacturing as an Enabler of Industry 4.0
  • Jim Balsillie, chair of the Centre for International Governance Innovation and former chairman and co-CEO of Research In Motion, discussing Strategies in the Era of Intangible Assets.
  • The Honorable Jean Charest, partner, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Quebec premier (2003-2012) and member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, sharing his insights on Trade, Trends, Uncertainty and Canada.
For more information or to register for CMTS 2020, visit


See also: SME Headquarters

Technologies: Management


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