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Buffer Scheduling Added to Cetec ERP to Improve Workflow

December 6, 2023

Cetec-ERP-buffer-featureCloud-based ERP-software provider Cetec ERP, Austin, TX, has introduced a new scheduling feature that allows users to estimate static buffer time occurring before or after work is completed at a given work location. The buffer scheduling feature promises to help job shops ensure that they provide ample time on work orders without impacting labor time, estimates or cost, improving quoting accuracy and helping to complete jobs on time.

Users can manage the new software field, called Buffer, in two ways: Defaults can be set from a table in the Data Maintenance page, or they can be set manually/overridden in a part’s labor plan or order-specific labor plan.  

Previously, modeling a traveler/router’s schedule to include a buffer period occurring before or after work was completed at a work location took several steps. Users needed to create and utilize a separate staging work location, and then place that work location in the labor plan itself. Then they would set the time estimate on that staging location to be a static setup or outsource based time entry in order for the scheduling system to register the buffer.

Technologies: Management


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