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Create, Build and Edit Data Dashboards as Desired

July 31, 2024

Global-Shop-Solutions-FABTECH-2024-ERP-Dashboard-DesignerGlobal Shop Solutions

Booth S31137

Dashboard Designer, a simple-to-use software feature from Global Shop Solutions, allows users to create, build and edit dashboards tailored to their business needs with no coding required. Simply drag and drop widgets onto the screen to view data as desired.

Dashboard Designer simplifies data filtering, enabling users to access only relevant information. Users can view real-time data directly from the production environment; integrate data from multiple sources, combine all needed data on one screen; filter data to access only what needs attention; inspect data directly into dashboards; and drill down into widgets for more detail.

Widgets can be organized into groups or tabs, and users can customize graphs, charts, sales territory maps and other visual options. Use Dashboard Designer to import existing dashboards and edit if needed, link widgets so that they interact with each other, organize entire dashboard suites into groups, and export or print dashboards as any file type.


See also: Global Shop Solutions

Technologies: Management


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