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Euro Machine-Tool Association to support Additive Manufacturing Standardization

October 1, 2018

CECIMO, the European association representing the machine-tool industries, has established a liaison agreement with the ISO Technical Committee on Additive Manufacturing (AM), with the objective of contributing to the development of standards that support the uptake of the technology at an industrial level. 

By joining the ISO/TC 261 Additive Manufacturing committee, CECIMO has the opportunity ensure that developments in regulation and standardization align with the needs of businesses engaged in the AM sector. This appears all the more important, as high-level discussions between industry and European policy-makers have pointed to standardization as a top priority for the growth of AM. 

CECIM, in a press release, maintains that “consensus-based, market-driven standards are a better instrument than top-down regulations to reflect the actual needs and requirements of market players in a fast-evolving technology ecosystem like that of AM.” 

Due to this, CECIMO consistently supports the adoption of international standards and contributes to a number of other initiatives. For instance, CECIMO has a partnership with ASTM Committee F42, and is a member of the European Commission’s Joint MSP/DEI Working Group to provide a comprehensive plan to foster standardization in support of digitizing European industry. 




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