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Is Your Plant Ready for Summer? OSHA Program Seeks to Protect Workers from Heat Hazards

January 19, 2023

osha-heat-related-hazards-NEPJust about a year ago, in April, 2022, OSHA launched a federal National Emphasis Program (NEP) designed to protect workers from heat illness and injuries. As part of the program, OSHA will perform inspections in what it deems “high-risk industries” in indoor and outdoor work settings when the National Weather Service has issued a heat warning or advisory for a local area.

An article on the website of Fischer & Phillips LLP offers up some compliance advice, in order to avoid scrutiny and protect workers from heat-related concerns:

  • Draft a prevention program.
  • Designate someone at each worksite to monitor worker health on days of extreme heat.
  • Conduct a hazard analysis of job duties or positions that could involve exposure to extreme heat.
  • Review your OSHA 300 logs from the past few years to quantify what injuries or illnesses, if any, are or could have been heat-related and implement plans to address those situations moving forward.

Technologies: Safety


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