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Friction in Sheet Metal Forming

August 28, 2024

When simulating a sheet metal forming process, one of the most overlooked parameters is the coefficient of friction. Some companies have produced a magic number, say 0.15; others use different coefficients of friction for different coatings—0.15 for uncoated, 0.12 for galvanized, 0.11 for galvannealed, for example. In reality, friction depends on many factors, including but not limited to:

  • types of friction testsContact pressure
  • Sliding velocity
  • Interface temperature
  • Surface roughness of the tool
  • Surface texture of the sheet
  • Lubricant type and amount.

Tests to Measure Coefficient of Friction

To determine the friction coefficient, technicians select among several different types of tests (Fig. 1), including:

  • experimental strip-draw testPin-on-disc 
  • Twist compression 
  • Bending under tension
  • Strip-draw
  • Draw-bead
  • Cup-draw
  • Hemispherical stretching.

Some of these tests, such as pin-on-disc and twist compression, use deformed sheet as the test progresses. However, during sheet metal forming, tools contact undeformed sheet in every case. In this article I’ll focus on the strip-draw test. 

During a strip-draw test, clamping force (Fc) is adjusted using a screw, or with a hydraulic system. Then the test apparatus pulls the sheet at constant speed as researchers record the pulling force (Fp). In simple test setups, the clamping force is measured only once before the test. In better test setups, clamping force also should be recorded during the test. Then we can calculate the instant coefficient of friction (μ): 

μ = Fp/(2Fc )  (equation 1)

Fig. 2 illustrates the typical output of a strip-draw test. An average is calculated in the flat region, shown with the red dashed line. 

Generating a Friction Model 

Some metal forming simulation-software packages allow users to enter an equation or tabular data to include the effects of sliding velocity, contact pressure and rolling direction. The effect of rolling direction can be significant when stamping some aluminum alloys. A study performed at Mondragon University reveals that in flat areas, contact pressure can range from 3 to 15 MPa, while in curved areas contact pressure may average around 20 MPa but can reach100 MPa in peak contact areas. 

Sliding velocity, which depends on draw depth and press speed (strokes/min.), typically falls between 20 and 200 mm/sec. Calculating the coefficient of friction (µ) using sliding velocity and contact pressure:

μ = μo (p/pref )a - b ln (max(vref,v)/v)  (equation 2)

µ0 is coefficient of friction at reference sliding velocity (vref) and reference pressure (pref)

a and b are fit based on experiments. 

Experimental friction test dataFig. 3 illustrates test results for a friction model between tool steel and a 3rd Gen 980-MPa steel. The dashed lines represent calculations using the above equation and nine experiments, using a reference velocity of 25 mm/sec. and a maximum of 250 mm/sec. The reference pressure was 0.3 MPa, with a maximum pressure of 3.0 MPa. All results fall within realistic values.

Some commercially available forming-simulation software allows using the friction model defined in equation 2, while others may require the user to use tables.

A recent study conducted at Mondragon University and Ford Valencia showed that a friction model developed as a function of pressure and velocity (p-v) results in more-realistic draw-in and strain-distribution prediction when compared to using a constant-friction coefficient. A constant-friction model, researchers found, predicted cracks, when in reality the part did not crack. This was well predicted, however, when using the p-v-dependent friction model. The researchers also tried friction plug-in software, finding that the results did not improve significantly compared to the p-v-dependent friction model. Thus, a p-v-dependent friction model (Fig. 3) may eliminate the need for plug-in software—at least in some cases.  MF

Industry-Related Terms: Alloys, Bending, Case, Draw, Forming, Lines, Model, Surface, Texture, Twist, Forming
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms

Technologies: Software


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