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Industry Leaders Come Together to Help Career and Technical Education Students Continue Learning

March 26, 2020
With the manufacturing industry already facing a skilled labor shortage, the COVID-19 crisis has presented an additional challenge for educational institutions, interrupting face-to-face learning. To help meet the mission-critical challenge of building the industry’s future workforce, the newly formed CTE (career and technical education) Coalition, led by Lincoln Electric, Tooling U-SME, NC3, camInstructor, Haas Automation and SkillsUSA, has created a new website: Keep CTE Moving. The site is a central portal where instructors and students can access much-needed resources including hundreds of online classes, videos and instructional materials in machining, welding, mechatronics, industry 4.0, and programming. All online materials are produced and supplied by the coalition partners, with the majority available at no charge for the next 30 days.

Visit the Keep CTE Moving website at


See also: Lincoln Electric Co., SME Headquarters, Haas Automation, Inc.

Technologies: Training


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