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Training Center Coming to Kentucky

October 1, 2015

Underwriters Laboratories LLC (UL), a global safety science organization, and the University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, have teamed to launch the UL Additive Manufacturing Competency Center (UL AMCC), a 3D printing training facility set to open in the fall of 2015 adjacent to the university.

Developed for established additive-manufacturing technical and business professionals, the training center is designed to be a hub for advancing manufacturing knowledge and workforce expertise. UL AMCC will offer hands-on training in additive manufacturing (AM) for metals and curriculum covering design setup, design corrections, machine setup, part production, post-processing and parts inspection, testing and validation. The training will allow professionals to understand how to produce metal parts and emerging materials through AM, establish safety systems, identify hazards from materials and machines, and manufacture parts with safety built into designs.

UL AMCC will join the university’s global advanced-manufacturing campus and the Institute for Product Realization (IPR), and collaborate with other corporate residents including General Electric and Local Motors’ FirstBuild.

“UL AMCC will provide engineers and manufacturers with a melting pot of information and resources and provide a connection from our academic research and UL’s certification and safety expertise to practical 3D printing applications,” says Neville Pinto, dean of the J.B. Speed School of Engineering and a professor of chemical engineering at the University of Louisville.

UL also announced that it will open a similar training center in Singapore.
Industry-Related Terms: Center
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Technologies: Training


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