Acronym for Computer Aided Design. See CAD chapter.
Cadmium Plating
Electrolytic process for metal coating in which commercially pure cadmium is the anode.
A device used to control the motion of slide forming machine slides and attachments, and die components.
Acronym for Computer Aided Manufacturing.
Cam Chart
A chart created by the tool designer assuring that the sequence of operations of a complicated part fall within the 360 degree slide forming machine cycle.
Cam Trim
Removing excess material after the part has been drawn or formed. This is done with a cam activated operation, usually as a secondary operation.
Gradual deviation from straightness of the edge of sheet or coil stock caused during the slitting operation.
Capillary Action
Liquid trapping action caused by the closeness of two surfaces and the surface tension of the liquid.
Carbon Steel
Steel which owes its properties chiefly to various percentages of carbon without substantial amounts of other alloying elements.
A heat treatment for steel which adds carbon and nitrogen from an atmosphere rich in such elements.
Adding carbon to the surface of steel by heating it in contact with carbon rich gases.
The surface layer of a steel whose composition has been changed by the addition of carbon, nitrogen, or other material at high temperature.
Case Hardening
A heat treatment in which the surface layer of a steel is made substantially harder than the interior by altering its composition.
Negatively charged electrode.
Cellular Dividers
Slotted cardboard sheets designed to be interleaved in a master carton producing individual pockets to separate parts.
The point which is defined midway between the extents of a hole in both the X and Y directions.
Center Tool
See mandrel.
Chain Dimensioning
Drafting practice which dimensions repetitive features from each other rather than a common datum.
Surface ripples and cracks induced by forming.
Chemical Etching
Removal of metal through chemical erosion process.
Post-treatment wash non electrolytic coating which is used over zinc, cadmium, treated aluminum and other plating operations to seal the surface of the coating, prevent oxidation and, in certain cases, improve the electrical characteristics of the coating.
Chromate Conversion
Application of a salt or ester of chromic acid to a metal workpiece by dipping or spraying. The coating is generally used to seal the surface of the workpiece to enhance electrical properties or reduce corrosion.
A continuous arc starting and ending at the same point.
Clad Shape
A rollformed shape made up of two materials simultaneously fed into the roll forming mill to produce a composite section.
Clamp Marks
Slight indentations at the edge of one side of stock caused by pressure from turret press holding devices. See also Work-holder Mark.
Clinch Fastener
See Inserted Fastener.
Clock-Spring Material
Alloy steel available in a pre-hardened condition between RC 45 and 52.
CNC (Computer Numerical Control)
A technology that uses computer programming to control machine tools for precise metal fabrication operations.
CNC Turret Press
Automatic punch press indexing the material and selecting the intended tool out of the rotary tool holding device turret totally by computer control for piercing, blanking and forming workpieces as programmed.
Paint, varnish or lacquer applied to a surface in a single application one layer to form a properly distributed film when dry.
Coating System
Consists of a number of coats separately applied in a predetermined order at suitable intervals to allow for drying or curing.
Coil Breaks Crossbreak
Defective condition of ridges or marks across the width of sheet or coil caused by improper coiling or leveling.
Coil Feed Line
A system that automatically feeds metal coils into the stamping press.
A precision stamping process that creates detailed imprints on sheet metal by applying high pressure.
Cold Rolled Steel
Steel which was reduced to final thickness in the cold state by a rolling mill. Creates a smooth surface with slight skin hardness.
Cold Weld
Defective weld due to improper contact or inadequate heat during welding.
Cold Worked
Material hardened naturally through forming at ambient temperatures.
Cold Working
Plastic deformation of a metal at a temperature low enough so that recrystallization does not occur during cooling.
Collapsible Tool Segmented
A mold having a removable center core which keeps the perimeter pieces in place during spinning.
One aspect of appearance; a stimulus based on visual response to light, and consisting of the three dimensions of hue, saturation, and lightness.
Color Chips
Paint samples.
Commercial Grade
Standard materials commonly available through supply houses.
Communications Software
A computer program that enables one computer to connect with another computer.
Compound Die
Tool used to pierce, form and blank a part at the same time, with one stroke of the press.
To condense electronic files for ease of transfer and storage.
Concealed Head Fastener
Fastener installed in a blind hole.
Dimensional relationship of two or more items sharing a common center line.
Conditional Match
Perceived identity of color exhibited by a pair of colors, each with different spectral distribution curves.
Conductive Paint
Organic coating that conducts electrical current.
Ability of a material to conduct electricity or heat.
Connecting Lines
Two lines on a part drawing tangent.
Continuous Radius
A roll formed shape with a continuous curve or sweep in one or more planes.
Continuous Wave
Power output mode of lasers using a constant discharge.
Conventional Spinning
The art of forming metal over a mold using multiple passes and hand pressure.
Conversion Coating
Treatment, either chemical or electrochemical, of the metal surface to convert it to another chemical form. It provides greater corrosion resistance to the metal and increased adhesion of coatings applied to the metal.
Having all elements, features, dimensions or functions existing in one geometric plane.
The interior part of a steel whose composition has not been changed in a case hardening operation.
Core Hole
Hole diameter required before cutting or forming internal threads.
Three surfaces meeting at one point.
Corner Radius
Outside radius.
Corrosion Resistance
The ability of a substance to resist deterioration due to a reaction with its environment.
Machining or coining operation to generate a cylindrical flatbottomed hole.
Machining or coining operation to generate a conical angle on a hole.
Critical-to-Function CTF Dimensions
In the absence of dimensional drawings, a means of communicating by CAD dimensions critical to success of the design, tolerance and other non-geometrical information. Generally, simpler than a complete fabrication drawing because of fewer dimensions.
Cross-Hatch Pattern
Repetitive lines crossing each other at an angle, such as a coarsely woven cloth.
Sectional views.
Crystalline Structure
Arrangement of molecules in geometric patterns in a solidified material.
Cumulative Tolerance
Progressive accumulation of tolerances resulting from multiple operations or assembly of multiple parts.
The process of forming a curl or rolled edge on a metal part.
The tendency for steel strip to retain some of the coil set of the wound coil when it is uncoiled. Also called coil set.
Cut Band
See Burnish.
Cut Lengths
Standard sheet sizes of material received from service centers, such as 3' x 8' or 4' x 12'.
Process by which strips of material or finished parts are cut from a coil or strip of raw material.
Cutoff Press
Any one of several types of cutoff methods in a rollforming line.
Cut-Tape Test
A paint adhesion test consisting of the application of an adhesive tape to a dried coating and rapidly removing the tape with a swift, jerking motion.