A cutting operation that creates a partial cut without removing material, allowing for the creation of tabs or vents.
Lap-Welded Joint
Welded seam in which the two metal pieces to be joined overlap one another.
Acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Laser Cutting
A technology that uses a laser to cut materials, allowing for high precision and the ability to cut complex shapes in sheet metal.
Laser Welding
Metal melting and fusing using the energy of a concentrated coherent light beam.
A CAD file is like a layered stack of clear transparency films with design information on the different layers. They are superimposed on each other. One can look down through all of the layers at once, or only selected layers.
Lead Screw
Drive system which converts rotary to linear motion.
Lead Time
Time required to manufacture a product from order placement until availability. It includes planning, engineering, tool design and construction, acquisition of materials, scheduling, fabrication, finishing and packaging.
Width and height of the filler bead of welding material.
Lever Arms
A scissors-like apparatus used to apply pressure to the spinning blank.
Line Width
Thickness of a line in CAD drawings.
Linear Slide Machine
A vertical slide forming machine with the ability to place several opposing slides arranged in a linear fashion on both the front and back sides of the tooling area providing the ability to produce complicated stampings as well as assemblies.
A straight line segment between two points.
Load Up
Accumulation and compaction of metal particles between the abrasive grit of a grinding belt disc or wheel rendering it ineffective.
Lock Seam Tube
A hollow closed roll form shape mechanically fastened using the roll form tooling.