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Paul Nathanson, Bracewell, E714

April 4, 2024

Paul Nathanson is a senior principal at Bracewell LLP and a partner in the firm's Policy Resolution Group. Based out of Bracewell’s Washington office, Paul provides strategic communications support to corporate, non-profit and trade association clients (including the Precision Metalforming Association) on a broad range of issues, including (partial list) manufacturing, trade, energy, environment and consumer products. 

Paul NathansonHe also manages the Coalition of American Metal Manufacturers and Users, a group composed of steel-using manufacturing trade associations, formed to oppose the Section 232 steel and aluminum tariffs imposed in 2018.

Here Paul explains how "the media can be your friend...being able to communicate is helpful to businesses, but you need to have a strategy."  Also up for discussion: the value of experiential messaging, particularly when working with legislators responsible for crafting policies that impact manufacturers. 

Technologies: Management


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