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“My 5-yr. outlook: Accelerated adoption of fully virtual, fully digital validation not only of product design but also reaching toward procedural and process planning, not so easil...

Extended Reality (XR) solutions for Product Engineering, Virtual Assembly & Maintenance Process Planning, Eric Kam, E415

April 5, 2021

Eric KamEric Kam is an Industry Marketing Manager for ESI-Group. He shares responsibility for evangelizing engineering applications applied to product designs and process plans to evaluate, identify, and resolve potential issues that prevent OEMs from reaching their desired outcome - Safe, productive, and sustainable products for the automotive, aerospace, energy, and heavy industries. An area of focus and enthusiasm is advancing Extended Reality (XR) solutions for Product Engineering, Virtual Assembly & Maintenance Process Planning using Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technology. An outspoken digital transformation advocate, he seeks to democratize simulation & analysis technologies in CAE, FEA, DMU and CAD.


See also: ESI Group

Technologies: Pressroom Automation, Sensing/Electronics/IOT, Software


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