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Sintavia Developing AM Facility for U.S. Navy

March 9, 2023

Sintavia-Navy-Facility-Valve-additive-manufacturingSintavia, a designer and producer, via additive manufacturing (AM), of propulsion and thermodynamic systems for the aerospace and defense industries, announced that it has been awarded a contract by Bechtel Plant Machinery, Inc. to develop a dedicated AM facility in support of the U.S. Navy’s Nuclear Propulsion Program. The new, vertically integrated facility will develop and additively manufacture advanced nuclear propulsion systems for the Navy’s in-production and in-development submarine programs, including the next generation nuclear-powered attack submarine. The facility, located in Hollywood, FL, is expected to come online this spring.

“Additive technology—both with respect to design and manufacturing—is well-known to be a superior method for supplying complex systems across the aerospace and defense industry,” explains Brian Neff, Sintavia founder and CEO. “But a full adoption of the technology is not possible without investments in the materials, processes and quality systems needed to additively produce these difficult systems successfully and repeatedly—investments that Sintavia has been making over the past 7 yr. As the Navy looks to develop advanced submarine platforms, it is imperative that AM plays a central role in that development.” 


See also: Sintavia LLC

Technologies: Additive Manufacturing


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