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Software Suite for Laser Cutting and Other Operations

December 7, 2022

Cincinnati-FABTECH-2022-Encompass-Software-laser-cutting-nestingAt FABTECH…Cincinnati Inc. offered details on its Encompass software suite for laser cutting and other operations. The software is designed to help users move from the digital part to the physical part of everyday operations accurately and efficiently, according to company officials. The Encompass suite includes:

  • Design—From 3D models, accurately import geometry and identify the correct flat blank. 
  • Nest—Amplify the ability to nest parts with software automation, and create optimized machine code to make Cincinnati cutting machines—and machines from most other manufacturers—operate optimally.
  • Bend—Improve offline press brake programming with advanced software automation.
  • Schedule—Automatically schedule multiple jobs across multiple shifts and multiple Cincinnati laser cutting machines.
  • Automate—Simulation capability in this software for robot-tended press brake bending cells ensures collision-free solutions and the generation of efficient programs for the robot and the press brake.
  • Analyze—Receive real-time and historical insight into the productivity of all Cincinnati machines anywhere from any device with CIberDash.

Cincinnati Inc.:

Industry-Related Terms: Bending, Blank, LASER
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Cincinnati Inc.

Technologies: Cutting


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