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Going to GDIS? Use the App

April 28, 2023

The app for Great Designs in Steel (GDIS), May 24 in Novi, MI, is now available through the App Store and Google Play, and can be accessed upon registration for GDIS attendance. Use it to easily navigate GDIS, a full-day seminar from the American Iron and Steel Institute where automotive engineering, design, technology and academic professionals provide insight into the latest trends and material applications for new light vehicles. Three tracks, running concurrently, will feature 30-plus presentations on advanced high-strength steels, ultra-high-strength steels, future mobility, automotive advancements and manufacturing technologies while discussing the lightweighting, durability and sustainability benefits of steel.

The app provides a simple way to ask questions during Q&A sessions with speakers; explore the agenda and personalize your GDIS schedule; learn more about speakers, read their bios and view their presentation topics; customize your profile and take notes; and learn about event sponsors and navigate to their websites. And, the app can push notifications for important updates and announcements.


See also: American Iron & Steel Institute, American Iron and Steel Institute

Technologies: Management


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