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Advanced DfAM Course September 28-30 in Youngstown, OH

September 16, 2022

Wohlers Associates presents its Advanced Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) Certificate Course, presented in partnership with America Makes, September 28-30 at America Makes in Youngstown, OH.
The course provides foundational information, special methods and approaches to design, and hands-on practice.

Topics covered include consolidating many parts into one, topology optimization and lattice/mesh structures. Via presentations and hands-on exercises, it covers considerations for metal, polymer and composite materials; the creation of custom parts; and reduction in the need for time-consuming and expensive support material.

Best practices will be discussed as well as established DfAM guidelines, including design rules and guiding principles for most AM processes and materials, with an emphasis on building quality and functional parts. Participants experienced with CAD can use any design software for the course, although CAD familiarity is not mandatory. A panel of DfAM experts will answer detailed questions and provide additional information and perspective.

Learn more and register for the course here

Industry-Related Terms: CAD
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Wohlers Associates, America Makes



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