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Survey: North American Metals-Industry Outlook

March 20, 2024

This eighth annual survey from Headwell Partners summarizes the outlook and expectations for the North American metals (steel and aluminum) industry. Industry executives (mostly CEOs) share their outlook for sources and rates of sector growth and the impact of economic policy and politics on such growth.  

Among summary observations:

  • 80% of respondents expect 2024 HRC prices in the range of $800-$1000 per ton, and 51% expect 2024 P1020 ingot aluminum prices in the range of $2300-$2600 per tonne.
  • 33% of respondents expect to make no capital investments to reduce their company's carbon footprint over the next 5 yr. (predominantly service centers), and 46% expect to allocate between 1% and 10% of capital expenditures towards carbon reduction.

Technologies: Management, Materials


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