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Vibration Isolators

March 1, 2008
Vibration Isolators

Vibro/Dynamics, Broadview, IL, introduces its MXLP elastomer isolators, the latest addition to its MX-series vibration isolators for large metalforming presses. The MXLP series offers all of the same features and functions of the original MXL line, with added installation-location flexibility through the use of an internal swivel and leveling mechanism.

Options include built-in leveling devices, swivel/pivot mechanisms, off-center attachment bolts and openings for hydraulic jacks. Vibration control is accomplished through a modular system of elastomer cushions, which can be provided in various combinations of stiffness and layers. This allows each mounting system to be customized based on press specifications, type of job, environment and customer preference.


See also: Vibro/Dynamics LLC

Technologies: Pressroom Automation


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