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Intuitive Cobot Programming and Operating Software

February 5, 2024

Flexiv-Elements-robot-programming-operating-systemFlexiv Elements, a collaborative robot (cobot)-programming and -operating software system from Flexiv Robotics, with U.S. offices in Santa Clara, CA, features an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that enables users to build robotic applications—from simple point-to-point motions to advanced surface-finishing tasks—with no prior programming experience.

Its graphical user interface controls the robot, adjusts settings and monitors robot status in real time. The plug-and-play nature of Flexiv Elements enables simple connection to different robots through Wi-Fi, and disconnection from robots anytime for offline programming. Beginners and experts alike can use existing prebuilt programs or develop customized programs with intuitive drag-and-drop function modules.

Customizable, prebuilt programming modules enable programs to be created for complex tasks quickly and effectively, according to company officials, while fully integrated force-control technology reportedly greatly simplifies the creation of programs for tasks that require precise motion and force control.


See also: Flexiv Robotics

Technologies: Pressroom Automation


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