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In-Process Inspection Software Provides Real-Time Visibility

March 28, 2023

QDataHub-Q.Shop-in-process-inspection-itp-softwareQ.Shop in-process inspection software from QDataHub, a provider of shop-floor data-collection software, manages shop floor paperwork and monitors quality during manufacturing processes, reportedly streamlining inspection and test plans (ITPs), and quality reports, and integrating all related shop-floor documents into one system. It enables users to digitize ITPs, work instructions, MSDS safety sheets and more.

With the Q.Shop in-process inspection software, multiple operators have simultaneous access to a single ITP and can save data; ITP forms can remain open for the duration of the work; users can place hold points on inspection and automatically notify the correct supervisor. The software also manages tool-calibration records and handles all revision controls.

The software provides real-time visibility on all jobs, including their status and progress. Users can monitor and view work-status reports across all stations.

And, Q.Shop closely imitates existing paper forms, meaning that users need not change their inspection forms, according to company officials, who note that this saves employee training time and enables quick, smooth transitions to electronic ITP systems.

Industry-Related Terms: Revision
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: QDataHub

Technologies: Quality Control


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