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Guide for Using Digital Work Instructions

January 24, 2024

LightGuide-Digital-Work-Instructions-GuideLightGuide, which provides visual guides to standardize manufacturing processes, has made available its Ultimate Guide to Digital Work Instructions. The guide’s goal: ensuring that manufacturers’ work instructions are built for today’s challenges, and optimizing production flow while ensuring quality. By empowering workers with real-time information, interactive guidance and augmented-reality (AR) overlays, digital work instructions are ushering in a new era of efficiency and precision in manufacturing, according to company officials.

The guide explores benefits of digital work instructions, and explains how interactive, visual guidance reduces errors, shortens training times and streamlines workflows for faster completion times. It also teaches how to create intuitive and accessible work instructions, and reveals how AR work instructions go beyond screens and manuals to improve operator focus, precision and productivity. The guide also offers case studies highlighting real-world applications of AR work instructions. 

Industry-Related Terms: Case
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: LightGuide, Inc.

Technologies: Sensing/Electronics/IOT


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