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Thought Leadership Panel Discussion: Is Metal AM Scalable?

November 11, 2021

What are the questions that matter most to you? 3D Metal Printing magazine is hosting a panel discussion to discuss the scalability of metal AM with some of the industries most recognized leaders. Your engagement is paramount. As long as you are asking questions, we will remain on the line to discuss and answer them collectively.


  • When to use subtractive vs. additive manufacturing
  • Compare & contrast metal AM technologies
  • What does supply chain resiliency mean to the experts
  • When metal AM is scalable for certain applications and why?

Panel Participants:

  • Tim Bell, Siemens
  • Matthias Shmidt-Lehr, AM Power
  • Bender Kutub, Xerox
  • Stacey DelVeccio


See also: Siemens Industry, Inc., Xerox 3D Printing



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