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Electric Drive and Tool Changer Highlight New Amada EGB 6020 ATCe Press Brake

December 8, 2022

amada-EGB-6020-ATCe-press-brake-fabtechAt FABTECH...Amada America used its prominent FABTECH stage to introduce, among other equipment, the EGB 6020 ATCe electric press brake (66.9 in. between frames, bend force to 60 tons, and with a 10-in. stroke), promising to minimize reduce power consumption while providing automated tool setup and highly repeatable bend-angle accuracy. As noted during a press conference on the show floor, the high-speed machine best-suits processing of high-mix, low-volume parts, and even boasts features to make it simple to set up and run by inexperienced operators—notably, an HMI tablet PC installed on the press-brake ram and a backgauge camera connected to the tablet to provide convenient process monitoring for the operator. 

Also new and on display along with the press brake: the Amada AMNC 4i control, which provides operator face recognition, as well as voice-command functionality.

Industry-Related Terms: Ram, Run
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Amada North America, Inc

Technologies: Bending


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