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Online Seminar: Die-Free Laser Blanking

June 16, 2022

Schuler-Justine-Fonteyne-laser-blankingSchuler North America, Canton, MI, a subsidiary of Schuler Group GmbH, along with MetalForming Magazine, will present a complimentary online seminar, “Die-Free Blanking Class A Quality & Structural Parts: 5 Smart Solutions with Laser Blanking Technology.” The online event, Friday, July 8th at 10:00 AM EST, will inform attendees on how laser blanking provides unique, cost-effective, and sustainable capabilities that conventional blanking processes do not. Also presented:  customizable laser blanking solutions for high-strength steel, aluminum, and stainless-steel part production.

“The market is not fully aware of laser blanking lines’ high-volume serial production results—up to 45 parts/min.,” explains Justine Fonteyne, area sales manager of the Americas at Schuler Group GmbH. “This notably reduces the productivity gap in comparison to conventional blanking lines. Manufacturers also welcome the drastic reduction in capital equipment investment, as laser blanking lines do not require dies, press foundations, loop or press pits, die cranes, or die storage areas. Material savings also result when using Schuler’s DynamicFlow technology.

“Schuler is the only supplier to provide DynamicFlow technology,” adds Kevin McAllister, president of Schuler North America. 

Industry-Related Terms: Blanking, Die, LASER, Lines
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Schuler North America

Technologies: Cutting


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