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Fineblanked Ventilator Part Produced

May 14, 2020
According to a press release on the website of metal former Precision Resource, the firm recently supported the response against the COVID-19 pandemic through the delivery of fineblanked critical components used in General Motors’ mass production of portable ventilators.  At its Canadian facility in Cambridge, Ontario, Precision covid19-fineblanking-precision-resourceResource fineblanked this outer cap from medical-grade aluminum. The cap is used in the oxygen subassembly of Ventec Life Systems’ V+Pro ventilators.

“After being engaged by our customer, Linamar,” the press release notes, “we constructed a tool in our technical center, and production launched 8 days later—an amazing feat in the fineblanking industry.”

Please let MetalForming know of projects completed by your metal forming company in response to the pandemic—e-mail editorial director Brad Kuvin

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