Reduced Setup Time, Less Chance for Error

Automated tool storage, according to Amedeo, represents another area of punching-machine evolution.

“Fabricators that employ numerous tools across numerous jobs can benefit from this technology, “ he says. “Automated tool storage and loading eliminates the chance of manual setup of a tool in an incorrect orientation, or installation of the wrong tool. Otherwise, tools break, which means costs for downtime and for tool replacement, and the possibility of machine damage. Tool-storage systems today send alarms for incorrectly installed tooling or installation of the wrong tool. All of these advancements take tool-changing out of the hands of the operator, thus minimizing the opportunity for such errors and, overall, decreasing setup time.”

The advancements cited by Amedeo certainly assist in enabling fabricators to better plan maintenance, decrease job setup time, and reduce the chances for unplanned downtime, but such improvements also address skilled-labor challenges.

“Right now, everyone has trouble finding skilled labor, or any labor at all given low unemployment,” Amedeo says. “Monitoring tools and automating setup means not relying on manual labor or keeping highly trained personnel busy with setup duties when other tasks might benefit from their experience. With the skilled-labor supply so low, tool automation and monitoring provides an excellent option.” MF

Industry-Related Terms: Case, Center, CNC, Grinding, Punch Press, Run, Spectrum, Turret
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Amada North America, Inc

Technologies: Tooling


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