Operational Press-Feed Line and Advanced HMI
July 31, 2024Comments
Dallas Industries
Booth S28003
Dallas Industries features a conventional press-feed line and its new interactive and advanced graphical display control, or human-machine interface (HMI), for feed lines. In a shared booth with Aida-America, Dallas Industries offers a live demonstration of a conventional feed line running material on an Aida servo-driven press. The feed line includes Dallas’ unique software features within an Allen-Bradley controls structure. A large graphical display with simple-to-operate features will also is demonstrated.
The 15-in. HMI (pictured) is designed to maximize productivity during startup and into production by providing a touch and diagnostic screen for the entire feed-line process. The new design features an intuitive and simple-to-follow graphical format that duplicates the machine in operation. The display can reduce launch and setup time, minimize changeover time and assist production by providing real-time diagnostics for the entire machine.
See also: Dallas Industries, Aida-America Corp.
Technologies: Coil and Sheet Handling
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Thomas Vacca Saturday, November 23, 2024