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Descaling Batch-Operation Machine Removes Contaminants from Coil Wire

April 1, 2010
Wheelabrator Group, Burlington, Ontario, Canada, introduces a Coilblast descaling machine designed for
Descaling Batch-Operation Machine
use as a batch operation to remove surface contaminants such as mill and heattreat scale from the surfaces of wire in coil form. Designed for manufacturers of springs and fasteners, as well as for steel and wire suppliers, the machine features the firm’s Ezefit blast-wheel technology.

Ezefit wheels are simple to assemble and take apart, says the manufacturer, allowing for 50-percent reduction in change time compared to other wheel systems.

The machines boast double- or single-swing door configurations and a fold-in oscillating mandrel—a space-saving feature that simplifies material handling. Choose from 10-, 13- or 15-ft. mandrel length. The bulk coil shot-blast descaling system avoids wire uncoiling and minimizes processing times.

Wheelabrator Group: 800/845-8505;

Industry-Related Terms: Form, Mandrel, Scale, Surface
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Wheelabrator Group, Inc.

Technologies: Finishing


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