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Dormant Presses?

April 22, 2020

nidec-minster-press-restarts Nidec Minster offers tips for properly shutting down, and then restarting, mechanical stamping presses.  

Press Shutdown

• If your stamping press is PLC based, check the processor to see if the red battery-signal light is illuminated. If so, replace the battery before shutting power off to the press, otherwise you risk losing programs.

• Consider backing up the programming on the PLC before shutdown.

• Consider rewinding any coils of steel on the reel or threaded into the press, and banding them to help prevent clock springing and the potential release of hazardous energy.

• Lower the holddown arm on the coil to reduce the energy state of the arm and coil, and to help prevent drift and possible issues at startup.

Restarting a Press

Most issues associated with restarting a press after an extended shutdown period relate to the lubrication system. You may experience problems with the oil filter, flow switch and orifices in the lubrication system. Sediment and debris may have settled in the lubrication system due to the lack of oil flow during shut down, which could possibly clog filters, flow switches and orifices.  Be sure to have spare filters, flow switches and orifices on hand.

• Circulate the oil system for at least 30 min. prior to running the press in production after start-up.

• Refer to user and service manuals for proper preheat procedures, for presses that require it.

• Verify that the shut height for the tool in the press is set correctly prior to stroking the press.

• Reduce the counterbalance pressure before turning the air back on, to prevent slamming rods into the slide (for push-type counterbalances).

• Check that the die lube has not changed state during shutdown. Die-lube condition can create issues at startup.

• Check the die-clamping mechanisms (mechanical and magnetic) thoroughly before startup to ensure it is still set up correctly.

• Oil the screws (on saddle-bushing-type presses).

• Consider running the initial stroke in manual mode to facilitate general lube checks, inching and mechanical noises, which can indicate possible issues with the press.

Industry-Related Terms: Stroke, Checks, Die, Shut Height
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Nidec Press & Automation

Technologies: Stamping Presses, Lubrication, Coil and Sheet Handling


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